
【[Overseas Only] CURE Disaster Apparition Monster - BIG BUG [海外の方限定]】

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販売価格:19,800円 (税込)



Antique shop in Tokyo named “Emupaiya" used to release the characters and
CURE Toy tried to re-puroduct it.

Big-Bug is the nemesis of “ AMABI”H” which iss the original character is now on sale on our online store.
This release is for oversea customers only and domestic order is not available.

The color application is Majora color and doll eye style.
Limited amount and this sale is first served first come via e-mail order so please wait for our invoice to confirm your order and there are the possibility of the out of stock when you ordered.

[ How to Order ]

Please e-mail to info@secret-b.com with necessary info below.
Please provide all info otherwise we may give the priority to the next customer who provide all info correctly.

1) Full Name:
2) Shipping Address
3) ZIP:
4) Country:
5) Phone Number:
6) Paypal account: if it’s different with your current e-mail address.

[ terms ]
* Only 1 pc to buy is available for each customer
* We will ask the customer for the shipping fee extra.
* Don’t keep putting and displaying this item near to hot or worm places like inside the car. It will cause damage or deformation.
* We can’t accept the refund or exchange for the reason of the quality of clear soft vinyl like bubble inside.
* We can not accept returning because of the damages on the package.



Copyright ? SECRET BASE ENTERTAINMENT CO.,LTD. All rights reserved.